Interviewer/Editor: Paloma Ayala
Interviewer/Editor: Paloma Ayala
Hallie Dowling-Huppert (Emory University)
Scholar Hallie Dowling-Huppert explains the four different types of farm workers in the United States, Migrant workers, seasonal workers, undocumented workers and H2A and H2B contracted workers, and prevalent structural violence against these workers in the U.S. food system. She discusses the U.S. food system as entirely supported by migrant labor, despite the difficulties many farm workers face under oppressive government law, and how labor laws specifically exclude farm workers, leaving them unprotected and subjected to harsh working conditions.
This video interview was conducted at the 2012 Peace and Justice Studies Association conference at Tufts University in Boston, MA.
Original source: PeaceVoiceTV (2013)