Submit an Article

The Peace Chronicle aims to engage diverse populations including academics, activists, community leaders, and religious leaders. We welcome submissions dealing with peace and justice issues in the classroom, on the ground, in research, arts, and culture. We do not publish academic papers, but we are excited about pieces that highlight rigorous, methodological, evidence-based research that relies on critical analysis. We are interested in national, international, and global issues related to the seasonal theme.

General Article Submission Information

We’re looking for pieces written in journalistic style, that will interest a broad range of readers and give them ideas and inspiration they can use. Submissions may be emailed to as Microsoft Word files, and will be reviewed by the editor. We accept poetry and personal essays, as well as visual artworks.

The Peace Chronicle is an opportunity for PJSA folks to publish and collaborate. Therefore, we are also excited to publish non-traditional forms such as programs and projects, or other commentaries on peace and justice work, our world, or our struggles. This form of association-wide publishing makes for a more dynamic, diverse and engaging magazine that reflects the PJSA network.

Unfortunately, at this time we cannot pay our authors, artists, or photographers, but we will publish a contributor bio and link to your website.

Please include in your submission:

  • Your written piece, as a Word document (not a PDF)
  • Any image(s) you wish to accompany your piece (see below for details)
  • A 100-150 word mini-bio
  • Your headshot, sized to 150 x 150px

Submission Details:

Article Length:

We ask that contributors utilize the following guidelines:

  • Book reviews, film reviews, event report-backs (e.g. conference, demonstration), and other short-form reporting: 500-1,500 words.
  • Position papers, essays, and other long-form articles: 3,000 word max.
  • Job postings, advertisements, announcements for new publications: 500 word max.


We are always looking for artwork and photography to feature in the magazine! If you would like to contribute your work, please send us your images, optimized for the web (500kb max), clearly labelled.

If you have relevant images to go with your article:

  • Please send them as .jpg or .png files.
  • Ideal images are horizontally-oriented.
  • If the image is not your original work, please ensure that it is appropriately credited and/or licensed before you submit.
    • PJSA requires you obtain permissions for use before submitting your images. By submitting, you acknowledge that we accept no responsibility for copyright infringements.

Please include captions and credits for images to be embedded within your article.


Please use parenthetical in-text citations. For informational notes, if necessary, please use endnotes.  We do not accept footnotes.

Do not embed links to your sources in lieu of citations or references.

Reference sections will be displayed at the end of the piece in both the web and PDF issue.  Please format your references according to a recognized system, i.e. Chicago Manual of Style, APA, etc.


Want to advertise in the Peace Chronicle?

Distributed four times a year to our members and friends of PJSA, this magazine is a very cost-effective way to reach a large and dedicated audience of educators and advocates. PDF ads generally run twice, and sometimes three times depending on available space and timelines. Pricing information is available on the About the Peace Chronicle page.

For more information on advertising in the Chronicle, contact us at