Dr. Matt Meyer

Speaking Topics: education, resistance, multiculturalism.
Matt Meyer is an internationally recognized author, academic, organizer, and educator who currently serves as National Co-chair of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the oldest interfaith peace and justice group in US history. As former National Chair of the War Resisters League, he is second only to A.J. Muste— “dean of the US peace movement” —in having been elected to the top position of both historic organizations. Based in New York City, Meyer is a true internationalist, and has led seminars, trainings, and conferences in over sixty countries on five continents; he is the United Nations representative for the International Peace Research Association, and an Executive Committee member of that organization. He is also the Africa Support Network Coordinator for the War Resisters International, and is a member of the International Fellowship of Reconciliation Financial Advisory Committee. Argentine Nobel Peace laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel, who wrote the Introduction to Meyer’s encyclopedic anthology Let Freedom Ring (2008) on contemporary movements to free political prisoners, noted that “Meyer is a coalition-builder,” one who “provides tools for today’s activists” in his writings and his work.