Frequently Asked Questions
From conference attendees
Do I need to register to attend?
Yes. All attendees of the PJSA conference are required to register as attendees. This includes presenters, chairs, students, etc. If you are going to be present at the conference, you need to register.
What is included in the cost of conference registration?
In 2025, conference registration will include meals, snacks, shuttle service, and all associated expenses. The exact schedule of meals and shuttles is still being determined and will be announced closer to the event.
What about the pre-conference events on Thursday?
In 2024, we are hosting a series of trainings, designed as pre-conference engagements. The pre-conference consists of four elements:
1. A morning training (10-12pm) you select,
2. lunch at the Niagara University art museum,
3. A separate afternoon training (1-3pm) you select, and
4. a tour of the Love Canal with Luella Kenny.
Registration for pre-conference sessions is limited and works on a first-come, first-served basis. The cost to attend the pre-c0nference day is $100, which includes both sessions, lunch and the tour. To register, visit the registration landing page, click ‘get tickets’, and scroll to the bottom. The pre-conference registration is listed as an ‘add-on.’ After you register, we will reach out to determine your preference for training sessions. Information on 2025 pre-conference sessions will be made available in the coming months.
Where are the printed program and other conference goodies?
Based on consistent feedback from the membership and attendees, we have strived to keep registration costs low. One way of doing this is to not purchase certain amenities which increases the cost per person. For example, beginning in 2021 we no longer print conference programs, instead utilizing a digital program. We have also reduced the amount of food provided in between sessions to reduce waste, cut costs, and pass the savings on to attendees.
Do I need to register for individual sessions (e.g., panels, workshops)?
No. Conference attendees are free to move in and out of sessions at will without preregistering or predetermining which sessions they will attend. We do ask that people be respectful of other participants and limit disruptions as much as possible.
Do I need to be present for all days of the conference?
No. While most attendees do attend the entire conference, some many arrive late or leave early. We do encourage folks to aim to be in attendance for the entire event as this creates the most opportunity for collaboration and interaction and ensures that sessions at the beginning and end of the conference function in a similar manner to those in the middle.
What is the dress code for the conference?
There is no formal dress code for the PJSA conferences. Dress in a way that makes you comfortable. Most people’s dress resembles business casual.
Does PJSA provide financial assistance for individuals to attend?
As a member-supported association, PJSA unfortunately does not have the funds needed to fund individual presenters or attendees for our annual conference. The association does provide limited financial support for some attendees such as award winners, featured and invited speakers, and staff volunteers. We aim to keep the cost of attendance low and to carefully balance the services provided with the cost passed onto attendees.
From conference presenters
What is the format for panels put together by the conference committee?
Conference panels are assembled by the conference committee, which groups individual papers together based on thematic agreement. We aim for all panels to involve 3-5 presenters, and a panel chair who helps with introductions, keeping time, and facilitating the question and answer period. Panelists are seated alongside one another at a shared table, and individual speakers may present from the table, a podium, or wherever they feel comfortable. For 2025, sessions are 75 minutes (i.e., 1 hour and 15 minutes) each. This breaks down to:
- For 3-person panels: Each presenter has 15 minutes, followed by a 30-minute question-and-answer period.
- For 4-person panels: Each presenter has 12 minutes, followed by a 25-minute question-and-answer period.
- For 5-person panels: Each presenter has 11 minutes, followed by a 20-minute question-and-answer period.
- For 6-person panels: Each presenter has 10 minutes, followed by a 15-minute question-and-answer period.
One of my co-presenters is unable to attend in person, can you Zoom them in?
Panel members are able to add in remote presenters via Zoom, Teams, or other video streaming platforms provided this coordination is handled between the panel members and the remote presenter. The PJSA conference team can assist in planning in the months before the conference, but are not able to coordinate on the day of the talk. If you have a remote member in your session, we suggest that one person who will be present at the conference serve as a point of contact. This person should arrive to the presentation at least 15 minutes prior to the session beginning to ensure they can get online and reach the remote presenter. This point of contact should bring a laptop suitable to the task as well as any adapters they may need to connect to the projector and audio. The point of contact should ensure they have exchanged the necessary information with the remote presenter such as a phone number, shared Zoom/Teams URL, etc.. While PJSA staff will do their best to troubleshoot if problems arise, their focus will be meeting the needs of in-person attendees. Finally, remote presenters (like all presenters) must be registered attendees of the conference by the presenter deadline or will not be listed in the program.
What is the role of a panel chair?
Panel chairs are volunteers who assist with the facilitation of a panel. Chairs help to call the session to order on time, determine/confirm the order of speakers, introduce the speakers, keep time for each presenter, and facilitate the question-and-answer period. Many chairs are Board Members or longtime members of PJSA who are familiar with the conference format. Presenters are welcome and encouraged to suggest their own chairs, and if not, a chair will be assigned by the conference committee. If you’re attending and willing to serve as a panel chair, let us know!
Are presenters required to submit a paper?
No. Traditionally we have not asked for nor required presentations to be accompanied by a paper. While some chairs have taken it upon themself to coordinate with presenters to collect and distribute the panelists’ materials, this is not required, as many of our presenters are outside of traditional academia and may not have an academic paper to accompany their presentation.
What technology is provided to panels?
Technology can vary from year-to-year and even from room to room, but generally, all presentation rooms have in-room projectors and computers. We strongly recommend presenters prepare redundant mechanisms to ensure a smooth tech setup. We suggest loading presentation materials onto a flash disk, and sending them to yourself via email.
When should I arrive at my session?
Please arrive to your session at least 10 minutes before it is set to begin. This allows us to determine if anyone is missing, to address any technology needs, establish an order of speakers, and take care of any questions. Chairs and tech support people should aim to get all presentation materials (e.g., PowerPoints) onto one computer such as an in-room PC to reduce friction and time between speakers. We do not typically provide or require microphones in classroom-sized settings.
Do presenters need to register to attend, and if so, how?
Yes. All attendees of the PJSA conference are required to register as attendees regardless if they are presenting or not. As a member-supported, member-serving association, we rely on membership fees and conference attendance fees to sustain our work. We do aim to provide financial assistance to a number of presenters such as award winners, ‘featured and invited speakers,’ student groups, and others. Unfortunately, we are typically not able to provide financial assistance to individuals upon request. Presenters who are unable to register as attendees by the presenter deadline will be removed from the schedule. Please aim to ensure you are registered before the presenter deadline to avoid being removed.
Does PJSA offer visa support letters?
Yes, PJSA is happy to work with individuals to produce letters to support visa applications. For us to offer a visa support letter, the individual must be:
1. An accepted conference presenter, and
2. registered to attend.
Once these conditions are met, PJSA leadership will work with you to produce materials to support your application. The letter will serve to confirm your registration and accepted presentation and note your planned role in the conference.
As the North American branch of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA), PJSA prioritizes submissions from individuals affiliated with US and Canadian institutions. Scholars from other countries are invited and encouraged to attend but may find a more appropriate venue to present in IPRA’s African, Asian-Pacific, Latin American, or European partners, If you would like a support letter, after you have been accepted as a presenter and have registered, please reach out.
What is a poster session and how do I participate?
A poster session is a way for conference presenters to share their work in a dynamic yet relaxed medium, combining visuals and a live explanation. Those participating are expected to develop a poster board or tri-fold explaining the nature, focus, method, and results of their research. This poster is displayed, and attendees are encouraged to wander around the posters, asking questions of the presenters and engaging them on their work. During the scheduled poster session, presenters are expected to stand beside their poster as attendees pass through and engage. More information can be found in this helpful explainer.