Dear PJSA members and friends,
We are so excited to host this year’s PJSA conference at Canadian Mennonite University in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. We have worked hard to incorporate your reflections and feedback from past experiences to build a conference that brings people together to have meaningful conversations: fewer competing sessions, more space between time slots so conversations can continue even after the session ends, plenty of coffee breaks, and an approach to food that focusses on sourcing both locally and sustainably. Please bring your own travel mug, if possible, to reduce our use of disposable cups.
We are also taking advantage of Winnipeg as a site of people’s movements: from the 1919 General Strike (yes, you’re coming at the centennial!) and indigenous movements such as Idle No More. Pre-conference options include a full day tour to a sacred site for indigenous petroforms, walking the route of the 1919 General Strike locale and finishing off with a pint of the Little Brown Jug brewery’s 1919 beer, or a tour of the national Canadian Museum for Human Rights. Winnipeg is also a city of fantastic breweries and restaurants.
Finally, we can’t wait to be inspired by our fantastic and thought-provoking line up of speakers including: Margo Tamez, Niigaan Sinclair, Gramma Shingoose, Sadie Phoenix-Lavoie, and some of our own PJSA friends and mentors. As we see panel proposals roll in, it is the voices of our membership that we are most excited about. We hope you can join us October 4-6 for what will undoubtedly be an incredible conference.
See you then,
Wendy Kroeker, on behalf of the 2019 conference planning team