Abroadia has entered into a partnership with PJSA to promote peace and justice through education, research, and action and to engage students, faculty, and college and university staff members in international programs focused on peace, justice, and other issues of mutual concern.
In the words of Martin Buber, “Genuine freedom is not freedom from all restraints and responsibilities but the personal act of accepting responsibility.” Abroadia believes that an education abroad is one of the most effective tools with which to inculcate students with global values and responsibilities.
Discounts to PJSA members: PJSA institutional members’ students and PJSA student members will receive special consideration for Abroadia’s distinctive educational programs in Spain, Cuba, and Latin America. Abroadia will waive application fees for peace studies students from PJSA member institutions who want to attend Abroadia peace and justice studies programs abroad. Furthermore, these students will receive priority consideration for the Abroadia Betty Reardon Scholarship.
For more information about Abroadia or applying to an Abroadia study abroad program, contact tom@abroadia.com or visit www.abroadia.com.