
PJSA is happy to work in partnership with a variety of organizations. Members of PJSA will receive special discounts from each of these organizations. Not a member? Learn more about joining PJSA today!


Abroadia has entered into a partnership with PJSA to promote peace and justice through education, research, and action and to engage students, faculty, and college and university staff members in international programs focused on peace, justice, and other issues of mutual concern.

In the words of Martin Buber, “Genuine freedom is not freedom from all restraints and responsibilities but the personal act of accepting responsibility.” Abroadia believes that an education abroad is one of the most effective tools with which to inculcate students with global values and responsibilities.

Discounts to PJSA members: PJSA institutional members’ students and PJSA student members will receive special consideration for Abroadia’s distinctive educational programs in Spain, Cuba, and Latin America. Abroadia will waive application fees for peace studies students from PJSA member institutions who want to attend Abroadia peace and justice studies programs abroad. Furthermore, these students will receive priority consideration for the Abroadia Betty Reardon Scholarship.

For more information about Abroadia or applying to an Abroadia study abroad program, contact  or visit

Canadian School of Peacebuilding

The Canadian School of Peacebuilding (CSOP) brings together local, national, and international practitioners and students of peace annually for intensive one-week courses on peacebuilding. Its goal is to serve peacebuilders around the world by bringing them together in a collaborative learning community, nurturing and equipping them for various forms of peace practice, and exposing them to some of the most significant, emerging ideas and teachers in the field.

PJSA is a sponsor of the annual peacebuilding program, while CSOP promotes PJSA throughout its network.

Center for Global Education and Experience

In November 2008, PJSA partnered with the Center for Global Education and Experience (CGEE) at Augsburg College to add another scholastic membership benefit.

Discounts to PJSA members: Both individual PJSA members and individuals associated with a PJSA institutional member will receive:

  • $500 off fees for undergraduate students going on the Center’s Mexico or Central America semester programs
  • $100 off fees for faculty, staff, or students going on the Center’s customized programs.

Since 1979, Augsburg’s CGEE has been a pioneer in peace and justice studies abroad, and working towards a just and sustainable world has been central to their mission. Program details can be found at

National Peace Academy

The mission of the National Peace Academy is to support, advance and nurture cultures of peace by conducting research and facilitating learning toward the development of peace systems and the development of the full spectrum of the peacebuilder. The NPA is especially interested in establishing partnerships with PJSA members’ organizations.

Discounts to PJSA members: The National Peace Academy offers a 15% tuition discount to individual PJSA members, and to all faculty, staff, students and community members whose belong to institutional members. Additionally, the NPA will also grant priority to PJSA members who apply to programs with limited space. Browse the National Peace Academy’s course offerings